An Unstoppable Force v/s Immovable object,Who is better-Y???
To ask who is better between Kejriwal and Modi is to ask who is better between Lara and Tendulkar? We may prefer either but that doesn't mean the other one becomes Ventakesh Prasad, the batsman, by default.
It is possible to admire both. Just because one admires Modi, doesn't mean Kejriwal is a Media Creation, A Closet Naxalite and the clandestine captain of Congress's B team. Likewise, just because Kejriwal is your messiah, doesn't mean Modi is corrupt and communal.
Kejriwal personally took out an incumbent Congress CM from her bastion of New Delhi and mauled the Congress to Rubble. Surely, the Congress can't very fond of him. He badly exposed Robber(t) Vadra, who even the media had no guts to take head on.
In fact, he is the single biggest threat to the Congress in the last 100 years. Doesn't look like a good and genuflecting Congressman to me.
Likewise, Narendra Modi is an extraordinary man. A builder of cities, a man with a dream and vision for India. An orator par excellence who deeply cares for his countrymen and not what some other country thinks of him. He is someone who is a true patriot, who will not let China, Pakistan and even tiny Maldives make us look like idiots, like we are being made to, under the watch of the cancerous Gandhi Family.
I doubt if many countries would want to try out terrorism/intrusions as a tactic with Narendra Modi as the leader of India.I doubt if there is better person to represent India in a room with sharks like Obama, Putin and/or Nawaz Sharif.
He understands powerplay and realpolitik better than most and knows how to impose his will to get things done. He's sharp and it will take more than A.Raja and Kalmadi to fool him and make money from exchequer.
India is going to bloom under Modi, thats an undeniable fact.
But Kejriwal is also someone who enjoys the trust and confidence of the republic. He is a greenhorn when it comes to governance(which is a negative) but only a fool will deny the fact that he owes his messianic rise to anything other than merit courage, vision and sheer indomitable will. A man who went from Iconoclast to icon in 6 Months.
The biggest problem is that both stand for similar things and they are bound to clash. An immovable object Vs. an unstoppable force.
If you analyse the facts, both are superstars in their own right and their ideological battle is going to transform India and wash out the cancerous Congress and garbage like the Samajwadis. Its something to celebrate for only when there are credible choices, Democracy starts to show its transformative prowess.
I am an AAP supporter but I am going to vote Modi in the General Elections. Despite all, Modi's too good to be denied a real shot on behalf of the Republic and AAP is just too raw to assume so much power.
Surely, we can't have referendums on Dams, Power Projects and Internal Security. Surely, we can't embrace soft Marxism in 2014. AAP has to work on its vision. Opposing Corruption and People Participation isn't the answer to everything.
Modi deserves 5 years at the top plus another five, if he does very well. AAP should be in opposition and learn real governance in state governments, while hacking away at the base of Congress and other such parties. Their merit and ability is needed to counterbalance Modi.
Then Aam Aadmi chief is destined to rise to Primus Inter-pares one day, but for now, the TriColour awaits the imminent rise of a lionheart, who once sold tea as a boy in Vadnagar.. Gaurav
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