Thursday, October 28, 2010


With one follower and only zero comments for my blogs I am no more than an inconsequential rarely-read and boring blogger of all the time .

ooopsss!!! Its too bad i'm not a blogger/writer.Neither any of my article reach out and grab the reader nor could i bring readers into my soul,not even my roommate(a good blogger)and also my floormates

who always try to make me feel inferior with their good ones!

I have always expected my artlicle to be read like a Nobel Prize Winning book, alas none of my article sang.

I left no stone unturn to publicize my self and my blogs.I invited all my social networking freinds and when nothing worked out i, very shamelessly shared it in my Facebook Profile and sometime my brazeness surpassed the limit
when i approach them and try to initiate any topic related to my blog and somehow let them know that i have writing something and that iam a blogger.

And its not that i have never being clapped for my work,iam; but orally and not by comments or following the blog or liking it,and its palpable what they really mean.

I dont have any parlance to dress up my article like many writers/bloggers have and perhaps this could be the reason why i find myself with every new blog ,at low water mark
in the huge ocean of blogger's comments/follow/like.

And i deserve that.

I never try to look the world a little differently as many writer/blogger do.I write only when i dont have access to any other time-pass(no new movie,no freind to chat or tired of sleeping).
A very less no of blog in my account are self explanatory to the above statement.

Every time i try to spice up my writing by arthmetic and logic operation but i ways end up exactly like my microprocessor paper.

And many a times my gibberish prose are subjected to butt of many jokes,Withal i write ,no option, atleast to convert myself that iam a blogger.

Think like a poet;
Write like a demon runs a proverb.

Its not that i never treid to think in the way poet thinks,i do and when my frequency of thinking donot match the frequency of their thinking i generally modulate their
frequency(FM-a technique in signal processing) and plot the graph as my own.

Its too bad i'm not a writer/blogger.

But i can undoubtedly think like a demon and i often do.The moment my information centre recieved the 32 bit data that our varsity is hosting the 98th Indian Sceince congress and Pradan Mantri(PM),

himself will be inagurating the congress my microprocessor started to run a very innovative program to make our Branch/department a very well known like Cse,mech,civil,ece etc.

When iam convinced that the branch i have chosen to shape my future donot have any future and its hardly known to any and no organization needs graduate from this partcular feild(even though sounds weighty)i was demoralized.

And when my core sector(Defence esp INDIAN ARMy)rejected my application,i was totally put off.Then i felt the urgency of doing something creative.

By the time when our leaders were blessed with public chappals(Bush,omar abdullah etc),i thought of throwing an electromechanical system fully automated(i mean mechatronics)kit to SMS(PM).

Lets not think the negative aspect( i will be thrown out of college,i shall not get my degree or i shall be jailed or in nutshell a big full stop to my academic carreer).

There are chances of being forgiven for my noble cause(social service) after all iam doing this for our people.Lets hope for the best.Be optimistic

[This is an answer to those who ask me what is IMAGINEERING(my blog site name).Imagining in a engineering/technical way or imagination of an ingineer/technocrack which obviously skys the limit]

Ya i will be the cynosure of the media,both national n internation.Will there be any better and widely spread idea to publicize our mechatronics,offcourse not(little bit risky).

I will be under verbal attack of media and then will i get to give tounge to the tragedy of being neglected(both by the college and companies) only coz we are more advanced than the required(till date),the hatred and inferior feeling that we have encountered
for the past four years.

Any ways this problem will be solved.We need not poke out to the HR of any company to explain what our branch is all about and how we can be benificial to them.

Its very risky to take risk and if you won't take risk,risk will take u;and some one had to take the risk and why not me?? Any thing for MECHATRONICS!!

Now i understood that blogging is not every one's glass of wine,in retrospect to cup of tea for the latter is affordable to almost all,the former being not to many.

Its bad i'm not a blogger/writer.

And this is what the truth is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. you have written a really good blog.. but u need to rectify the numerous spelling mistakes u have made ....hmmm... errr....and also the grammatical ones....
    by the way if you are really trying to do what you have tried to express through this blog then i must say that i am really impressed with you. keep up the good work..

  2. whoa! Sir!!! Aapka vocabulary base was more than I had imagined. Seriously, I am surprised (not in the negative sense). Keep up the good work, Sir.

  3. Thanxs simi,i will surely take care of ur suggestion next time,actually writing for an hour n checking for error is something which my conscience wont permit,access deneid u know,nyay thanxz

  4. Ya kabir,i will definetly try 2 ,just keep suggesting me!!!
